Arturo Fonseca

About me

A photo of me. I have long brown hair, white skin, long and skinny face. The background is a blueish wall of a room. I am wearing a green indian shirt.

Hello! My name is Arturo Fonseca de Souza. I am a 24 year old Computer Science student at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). I have a degree in IT from the same university. For the last 3 years I have been working with web development in projects funded by my university, furthering my knowledge in the backend side as well as the frontend.

I really like learning new things and making them more accessible to people. This was my main motivation behind one of my dearest personal projects: a website where anyone can visualize and understand how pointers work in programming languages. It is still in the early stages of development, but I am determined to finish it this year!

Outside developing web applications, I have a big passion for geometry and mathematics in general. This led me down a path of studies where I discovered the wonders of computer graphics. After finally taking a course in the subject at my university, I was sure that this was something I wanted to pursue more deeply.

My other interests include folding origami, taking pictures, messing around a bit with electronics and watching videos about music theory.



How Pointers Work

Personal educational project about the magic of pointers and what are they like in memory.

Ecoleta (React)

A site about recycling collections points in your city.

Converter (Vue.js)

Convert monetary values between numerous international currencies!

(Re)learning Vue.js

Back to basics.

First Spring project

A school management system made using Java with Spring.

Selo ou não sê-lo (Tumblr)

Making a website for my sister... on Tumblr.

This very own website

We are here.

Visual Math

Triangle lerp

Linear interpolation but with areas! In a triangle!

Times table

Wonderful patterns emerge when numbers are written in a circle.

Vector field

The beauty of a particular random number generator.

Light and shadow

Lines and their interceptions with the environment.

Julia sets

Move your mouse to generate beautiful products of a complex number function.


Walk, turn slightly to the right, repeat. Suddenly, you see yourself surrounded by spiral fractals!

Fourier series

Circles around circles around circles...

Other Projects

Ray Tracer

3D ray tracer that can create photorealistic images.

Drawing Project

Almost like Microsoft Paint! But with a keyboard instead of a mouse.

Som Imaginário

Educational project about sound and how humans perceive its origin in space.



Without scissors or glue, intriguing forms can emerge from a flat sheet of paper. I discovered the art of origami when I was 8 years old. Since then, I've learned that I can fold literally everything I can imagine — as in painting, it doesn't have to be realistic - just from creativity, technique and a bit of suggestion. Below are some of my favorite designs that I have had the opportunity to fold:

Checkout my instagram and flickr!


It was through photographing my origamis that I began to pay more attention to lighting, composition and photography in general. I've found great pleasure in photographing nature and all its little living things.

3D things

So I have followed some tutorials on YouTube of Blender and came up with some images that I would like to share:

An image of a cup of glass with a lot of little donuts falling inside it.
A GIF of little icosaedros forming a cube in a reverse time
An image of a donut in a pink background with a pink icing on top with several colorful sprinkles.
Superior view inside a empty structure with three tall windows where the ocean can been seen.